The Collected Thoughts and Musings of an Aspiring Political Philosopher

Saturday, March 12, 2011

They aren't going to stop unless we stop them

I encourage everyone to read the excellent op-ed by William Rivers Pitt in TruthOut on March 10, 2011, "Then They Came for the Trade Unionists"

Here's my favorite take-away from it:

Mr. Niemoller wrote his poem decades ago. It might read like this today:

First they declared corporations were "people," and I didn't complain because I'm already a person.

Then they made unlimited money "speech," and I didn't complain because the American Dream says I'll be rich someday, too.

Then they commandeered the means of production by shipping our greatest strength - manufacturing - overseas, because they don't have bothersome unions over there, and I didn't complain because WalMart has cheap stuff.

Then they bought Congress so they could write the laws, and I didn't complain because I can’t be bothered to vote.

Then they bought the Supreme Court so they could cement their rule, and I didn't complain because I don't have time to pay attention.

Then they bought the news so they could convince everyone it's always been this way, and I didn't complain because it's always been this way.

Then they manhandled an election and I didn't complain because I'm not from Florida.

Then they lied us into wars and I didn't complain because I'm not a soldier, or an Iraqi, or an Afghani.

Then millions died for profit and I didn't complain because the graphics on the news were totally awesome.

Then they started locking people up because they said they could and I didn't complain because nobody locked me up.

Then they started spying on everyone because they said they could and I didn't complain because I'm a real American.

Then they came for the worker, but thanks to supply-side trickle-down economics, I don't have a job.

1 comment:

John H Kennedy said...

John, you are forgetting that many of the politicians that were doing these things were/are Democrats.

We need to battle the Republicans, but we also must Push the elite corporate Washington Democrats to the Left.

Obama is batter than Bush in some ways but in many very important ways he is just like Bush or even farther to the right than Bush.

We need to find a primary challenger for 2012. Obama needs to defend his actions(or non-actions) to the Base.

If you stop screaming at me on Twitter, I will un-Block you, otherwise No.

Wish we could have a calm discussion.